Let’s Arm The Syrians Now


Makhdoom Ali Bahu Naqshband

Today US and EU are arming the Syrian “freedom fighters”, and tomorrow will be whining about them being the terrorists. Remember Afghan “mujahedeen” magically transforming into “Talibans” and it didn’t even take a year for the Libyan “freedom fighters” to turn all Al-Qaida and stuff! Super unstable Middle East will only give the excuse Israel needs to cleanse the menace of un-chosen people from the greater Israel. But un-chosen people were told about the wars in Iraq, Egypt, Syria and the sea of Galilee is drying up too. Predictions are becoming reality.

Expecting help from the west is stupid and that’s the lesson Syrians should learn from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. Nobody helps anybody without a reason or gain. West is not helping Syria because they care about the people but because they expect something in return. If they cared about people, they would have helped Chechens and Muslims in Burma, Kashmir, Philippines, etc? Muslim world should help the Syrians and that is all what I want. All I write for, work for and care about is Ithaad-bain-ul-muslimeen!

The Whiny Gitmo Guard

Just heard the Gitmo guard whine about being called names by the detainees and them being disrespectful!
1: So what do you expect from those being held without any charges for more than 10 years?
2: Dear guard, If you consider these people your enemies then suck it up and do your job!

Fools Leading The Fools

These leaders mock the intelligence of people everyday by saying that whatever they have said/promised during the election campaigns was “josh-e-khitabat”(political gimmicks and theatrics) and should be ignored! But the fact of the matter is that neither these people are leaders nor the audience is intelligent. Fools are leading the fools. How can you lie in public and then defend it? All that is religiously, morally and ethically wrong, Shareefs (and others like them around the world) are defending and making lawful. (Not a democrate, republican, PTI, PPP supporter, but a simple man trying to understand the world!)

Slogans Of Change & Revolution


Really sad and heartbroken after seeing aftermath of the elections in Pakistan. It is not because the party I was supporting lost, but because I was expecting some kind of stability and peace after the elections but then I have been called delusional at times. Hazrat Altaf Bhai wants Karachi to be separated from Pakistan, Baloch want to be left alone, Punjab is a new battleground for election rigging controversy, and Maulana Diesel wants to/is hopeful to form a government in KPK, even though he and his cronies are rejected by the people.

I was hopeful for some kind of betterment and change through the elections, even though I strongly disagree with the current system and the fake democracy. People of Pakistan and the Muslim world should understand that “change” can never come with huge crowds, election slogans, character assassination of the opponents, bashing and bad mouthing each other, “sharing” pictures and videos on social media, etc.
Change comes from within, from your heart; Change comes when you decide to stop the evil and encourage the good; Change comes when a crowd becomes a nation; Change comes when you go to a political rally for only one reason i.e. betterment of your people and nation; Change comes when you join the political rally not to checkout pretty girls or hangout with your friends; Change depends on pure intentions; Change comes when all those claiming to bring about the change have changed at individual level; Change at national level comes when you stop deceiving at individual level; Change comes when you start treating your wives, mothers, sisters and daughters with utmost respect; Change comes when you stop eating 5 rupees fries for taste testing at poor khan sahab’s stall; Change comes when you have a plan and then you stick to it; Change comes when your heart affirms what you say from your lips; Change comes when you are not fearful of anyone but Allah; Change comes when you are not fearful to tell the truth; Change comes when you stop cheating in exams; Change comes when you help the poor instead of disrespecting them; Change comes when you give same respect to the doodh walla(milkman), waiter, taxi walla(cab driver) and all those who are less fortunate, like the respect you give to the rich and privileged; Change comes when you show same interest, attention, and love towards your spouse like you did before or right after marriage; Change comes when you stop grinding bricks in red chilli powder; Change comes when you stop throwing garbage in your streets and roads; Change comes when your vision is broader than the narrowness of “me”; Change comes when a single cry of a Muslim in one part of the world takes away your sleep in another. Change comes when the idols of nationalism, tribalism, sect-ism, racism, and hate-ism are broken and we all unite under the banner of La Ilaha illAllah and work on the betterment of our nation and our people. In short, change comes when you change yourself and not by following a certain party or a person; Change comes from within.
Logic dictates that you cannot have a roof without the walls but sadly that is exactly what we are doing. History has proven that hollow revolutions are more dangerous and destructive than helpful for the people. Everlasting and stable change requires time and has a strong foundation. Remember, after 14 years of hard work in Makkah, prophet Muhammad s.a.w didn’t have huge crowds following his message of change and those who follow him were few in number but were steadfast and firm in their beliefs, their mission and their message. Dr. Iqbal left this world teaching the same message, “Yaqeen muhkam, amal paiham, Mohabbat Fateh-e-alam; jihad-e-zindagani mein hain yeh Mardoon ki shamsherein” i.e. In the battle of change, betterment and revolution, all you need is: a) strong belief in your cause and Allah, b) taking action and initiative, and c) having such love and care for others that can conquer the world!

Shame On Muslims In America – Part 2


Once upon a time, there lived four bulls in a jungle. One of them was white and the other three were black. They used to live in a dangerous part of the jungle that was full of wolves. The only way they protected themselves against the wolves was to stay together and help each other in case of an attack. One day, the black bulls met together and decided that as the white bull is more visible at night due to his color, he is making them more venerable and should be boycotted and left alone and that will make them (black bulls) more secure and better protected.

After few days, wolves detected the rift and disunity among the bulls, exploited it, and attacked & killed the white bull while the black ones witnessed it quietly.
The black bulls instead of feeling sad were relieved that they don’t have to deal with the “whitey” anymore. But the following night, the wolves attacked the three black bulls again as they understood that the bulls are now three instead of four and are weaker because of that. The next night, the wolves successfully hunted another one without much difficulty. Two remaining bulls tried their best to protect themselves but after few days, another one became the victim of the steely jaws.
The lone bull accepted his fate and just quietly waited for the wolves to come and finish him off. That night, the wolves attacked again and when one of the wolves was about the break the last bull’s neck, he said the following, “I was died the day white bull was killed, I was eaten by the wolves the day I boycotted the white bull, didn’t help him and let the wolves eat him”.
Same is true for the Muslims in America when nobody tried to help bury Tamerlan Tsarnaev, everybody was trying to protect his or her own behind, all imams were playing their political games, bla, bla, bla… All those who disagree should just wait 10 to 20 years, that’s all it will take to understand what I am saying today. So yeah, shame on Muslims in America that they couldn’t bury a Muslim and a Christian woman had to take care of it. Yet again, putting someone in a grave doesn’t mean that you agree with his/her actions and it is more about humanism than religion! This too much proved that a christian woman had more humanity, more faith, more integrity and more love than 2.6 million Muslims in American. Martha Mullen > 2.5 million! Enough said!

Shame On Muslims In America

Shame on Muslims in America that they couldn’t bury a Muslim and a Christian woman had to take care of it. Yet again, putting someone in a grave doesn’t mean that you agree with his/her actions and it is more about humanism than religion! This too much proved that a christian woman had more humanity, more faith, more integrity and more love than 2.6 million Muslims in American. Martha Mullen > 2.5 million! Enough said!

Where To Bury The Boston Bomber!

I wonder how long it will take to end the drama of “where to bury the Boston bomber!”I mean just get over it people. If you cannot bury him in a cemetery, bury him in a jungle or something and dumping bodies into the oceans/seas isn’t a whole new concept either(remember Osama!). Many have murdered way more than what he did but nobody ever questioned their burial rights, so why is he so special?

Historically speaking, enemies gave honorable burials to each other regardless of issues, problems, wars and loss of thousands of lives on each side but stuff like that is only left in books and fairy-tales.