Blame The Victim: Palestine vs Israel

After closely following the storm of hateful propaganda against the Palestinians and total disregard for their lives, their rights, and their self respect, I have come up to the conclusion that it is not the love for Israel that drives these bigots but the hatred for Muslims. My conclusion is not out of emotions and is based on indepth analysis of the response from the west in particular and the world in general. The west that was “outraged” when Mallala was (allegedly) shot not too long ago is busy giving justifications for the murder of four young kids who were playing soccer on the beach when Israel targeted them in one of their world famous “pinpoint” operations. Barack Obama who went on his renowned “Muslims are not enemies” (felt like “make love to the muslims”) world tour in 2008, humiliated Muslims after inviting them for Iftar at White House last week and served racist Israeli ambassador’s (Ron Dermer) speech as an appetizer (main course comprised of “Israel has right to defend itself” with a hint of lemon zest, one of president’s speciality).

The media around the world is also playing its part in this dirty game of “blame the victim” by showing damage done by the Israeli missiles as something done by rockets from Gaza. This total bias is more prominent when you hear about number of rockets fired from Gaza instead of reporting the damage done by the rockets. I mean comparing rockets from Gaza and the missiles from Israel is like comparing fireworks with tomahawks but who cares about that side of the equation!?  It is the same media that totally ignored protest in UK that was joined by more than hundred thousand people.

Another sad aspect of this scenario is the fact that you are promptly labeled as anti Semitic as soon as you point out human right violations committed by Israel and everyone forgets the fact that genocide has no religion and you don’t have to follow a certain religion to condemn it or to be its victim.
Religious segments of the society are using religion and scripture to support everything that is being done to the Palestinians and are trying to overlook the whole situation as if Israel is fulfilling God’s commandments by killing those “damn Arabs”. So in short, it is not the love for Israel that is driving these people but the hatred for the Muslims.